Join Lenny, as he discusses the art of reading price action to navigate the volatile moments immediately following the market open. Learn invaluable strategies to seize opportunities and mitigate risks during this critical trading window. Whether you're a novice or seasoned trader, this webinar will equip you with the insights and skills needed to thrive in the fast-paced world of post-market open trading. ...

Perfectionism and High Expectations are a common and complex problem. On the one hand they're a big motivator to achieve impressive and sometimes big goals, but they can also damage confidence in unexpected ways, leaving you at risk of big ups/downs in your performance. If you obsess over mistakes, hate losing, are overly self-critical, feel like nothing is ever good enough, and put intense pressure on yourself this seminar is exactly what you need to...

In this webinar, Thor will explore a range of topics, including technical analysis indicators and chart patterns that influence entry decisions. You will learn how to interpret key market signals, leverage indicators effectively, and identify potential entry points with confidence. Thor will also cover risk management techniques that will help you protect your account and maximize profitability. With real-life examples and practical demonstrations, Thor will share his expertise and insights, giving you a deeper understanding...

Have you ever wondered how volatility factors into Options Trading? Still confused about how Implied Volatility and Skew can affect the probabilities of your trade? In this webinar, Jarad will provide a full overview of Options Volatility from start to finish. We'll cover IV Concepts, Call/Put IV Skew, and MArket Dynamics surrounding them. Additionally, we'll cover how specific strategies carry unique probabilities of profit potential when you have volatility on your side. ...

In our previous webinar, Dr. Reid delved into the essential mental processes crucial for effective trading, as outlined by Daniel Kahnemann—System 1 (Fast) and System 2 (Slow). In this webinar, Dr. Reid with shift focus to another dichotomy within the brain—the Bilateral (left-right) System. The Left Side predominantly handles processing of Facts, Numbers, and Familiar information, organizing them methodically according to established Rules. It embodies traits of logic, analysis, sequence, and deliberation. Conversely, the Right...

Join Mike as he explores a 6-12 month action plan designed to transform your outcome-oriented mindset into a process-oriented approach capable of navigating the uncertainties of trading. While mastering a trading strategy may seem straightforward in a risk-free environment, the introduction of real money often disrupts our ability to execute that strategy seamlessly. Our life experiences influence our thought processes during trades, and achieving success requires a recalibration of our mindset towards thinking in probabilities...

In this webinar, Mike will guide you through the typical path that traders traverse as they navigate the journey to becoming consistent in their trading. He aims to help you steer clear of the pitfalls that lead to the death cycle of a trader. Mike will explore strategies to break free from the patterns of the death cycle, and he will introduce an insightful observation exercise. Whether you are a new trader or seasoned trader...

We all want to win and hate losing.  It is a powerful bias built into the core of the mind you bring to trading.  And in other areas of your life, it has served you well.  Then came trading.  Your beliefs about winning, and not losing, are put to the test.  Resisting a loss becomes the barrier to becoming a winning trader.  By trying not to lose, your loss is even larger.  Just look at...

Momentum trading at the Open is one of the most fast-paced types of trading out there. It requires rapid decision making, great execution speed, and a strategy that you can quickly identify on your charts. Join Lenny as he breaks down his Momentum Strategy for one of the most exciting times to be trading in the market: the Open. ...

Many traders have an innate flaw in the way they solve problems like fear, tilt, low confidence, etc. – they don’t look deep enough. To truly correct your costly mental game problems you must uncover the real cause. We do this in other areas of life - if you have pain while walking you become curious about what's causing it. You don't see pain as the problem, pain is the signal alerting us to analyze the...