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Emotional Self-Mastery of the Trading Mind Under Stress

Date & Time: Wednesday September 28, 2022 —   8:00 pm  ET  
Presented by:  Rande Howell

The performance problems you have in trading are not caused by anything “out there” in the markets. Depending on what emotionally-based mindset you are in at a particular moment, you will “see” your charts differently. Most step into the batter’s box already primed by fear, excitement, or aggression – so they perceive their charts based on tainted emotional biases that lead to poor judgment in critical moments. It is here that you, the trader, has to learn emotional self-mastery. The emotion you are gripped by governs the way you see and act. Learn to manage your emotions so that you perceive your charts from an emotionally disciplined mindset. Come and learn.