Dear Traders, I was recently asked by a website to comment on the issue of when it is best to trade stocks and when it is best to trade index funds. In short, my response was that for day traders, it is better to focus on index funds and leveraged ETFs when the overall market is quite volatile, like what we are seeing now or what unfolded during the March 2020 pandemic sell off. When the...

Today started very slow, but in the end it turned out to be a very volatile day. As I write this, the market has bounced back from its early morning losses and Brian and I (and hopefully you) were able to make some nice trades. Thanks to Jarad, I traded LCID and NVDA while Brian monetized on BABA and JD. As Brian famously said in the chatroom this morning, money leaves the US and goes...

Dear Traders, If you were not live in the chatroom this morning, here is a link to the recap that Brian and I posted earlier today. You’ll see how we traded a bounce on QQQ and BABA. In addition, Aiman and Simon have uploaded their weekly REPLAY video that can be seen here. If you have not already, please take the time to check out our new web-based REPLAY platform which is free for all, and...

Dear Traders, Thank you to everyone who has signed up to join Peak Capital Trading’s latest boot camp. Registration for this session is now full! We can hardly wait to start working with you on Monday. If you want to build your TradeBook and take it to the next level, please check out our new web-based REPLAY feature here. There is no cost to utilize this new offering from BBT. While at the site, do ensure you...

Dear Traders, 2022 has started very strong, and automobile mania continues, especially with TSLA and F. Thus far this week we have had some amazing trades on these 2 stocks. Please watch the recap that Brian and I posted yesterday regarding our trades on F as well as the recap regarding today's trading on F. Speaking of Tesla, you may have seen that Elon Musk’s wealth has soared to levels previously achieved only by John D. Rockefeller...

Dear Traders, Happy New Year! I hope everyone has started this year well and strong. The market continues to show exceptional volatility, based in part on Tesla’s announcement yesterday of record-breaking car deliveries. Today, Tesla gapped up over 9% and pushed toward an all-time high of $1243 per share. Semiconductors are also robust with both NVDA and AMD moving higher. Brian and I traded AMD and TSLA, and our recap can be seen here. To start off...

Dear Traders, First off, we have a few spots left for our 4th Peak Capital Trading boot camp, where we will help you build a successful and consistent TradeBook. The next boot camp starts on January 10, 2022 and you can sign up here. This week has been slow. I had some small wins yesterday and today, but I have not done anything particularly aggressive. It is the final week of 2021, when most traders are away,...

Dear Traders, Although 2021 was very eventful and exciting, it also went by very fast. Reflecting back over the last 12 months, there are so many happenings to remember. A few that come readily to my mind include the Suez Canal blockage, Elon Musk hosting Saturday Night Live and being named TIME Person of the Year, Bill Gates’ divorce, and Jeff Bezos traveling to space. As well, there were numerous landmarks in the world of business,...

Dear Traders, We are pleased and a bit surprised by the number of people who signed up on the first day of registration yesterday for the next Peak Capital Trading bootcamp. We are already at almost 40% capacity for the next bootcamp, so I recommend that if you are interested, please secure your spot early on. During registration for the last bootcamp, we had to close the signup early and add a wait list as our...

Dear Traders, What a wild market we are in, thanks to the new Omicron variant of COVID-19 which is causing more lockdowns and restrictions in Europe and around the world. Apparently, our war with Covid is never going to end. All indexes are down, and IWM, as usual, is leading the weakness by dropping roughly 3%. Let’s see if this panic selling eventually ends, and if we see a Santa Claus rally this year. Brian, Jarad, Ardi,...