Many traders have fallen into a mindset called “Being in the Zone”.  The problem is that you stumbled onto it, rather than it being a reproducible skill.  That is the gap that has to be bridged to become a consistently profitable trader.  You can learn how to take that talent and hone it into a skill.  And that is a gamechanger.  Come learn how.   ...

Explore three basic technical styles of trading: Breakouts, Reversals/Mean Reversion, and Trend Following. Join Dr. Reid as he dives into the psychological factors that shape our choice of a trading style. With traders seeking assistance in overcoming compulsive counter-trend trading and top picking during strong uptrends, this topic has become increasingly relevant. Join Dr. Reid as he reflects on this matter, and engages in an exchange of ideas during the webinar. Don't miss out on...

After six content-packed webinars, we have covered literally a whole bunch of mental training techniques, all designed to help you cultivate the mental edge. Are you, however, feeling overwhelmed by the sheer number of strategies? Tonight, Créde will revisit the key techniques reviewed in the series and discuss how you can synthesize all of this information to create an Olympic medal-standard mental training routine. ...

When the money is real and there is not a safety net, trading changes from a game to real life.  You want to win to prove yourself, but you continue to lose.  You hate losing but continue to eat through capital.  You make some money, but you give it back – and then some.   What’s going on?  What stands between you and the dreams you have of trading?  It is at this gap – between...

Statistics vary, but around 90% of active traders come up against major obstacles after a few years. We get stuck in the mud and can’t make progress. It’s like a bad dream… we know so much… but somehow, it’s not enough. We work our butts off… but we’re barely moving. That’s when hope turns into doubt and self-criticism. Trading seems so easy in hindsight that we judge ourselves harshly for coming up short. Meanwhile, the...

This webinar will draw on one of the key mental skills used by professional athletes to enhance sports performance, and it will explain how to harness the power of your creative mind to help you reach your trading potential. Join Créde as she discusses why imagery is so effective, how to create an imagery script tailored to your specific goals, and how to integrate the practice of mental imagery as a consistent part of your...

Unlock your trading potential in Mike's webinar on the importance of self-reflection in trading. Join Mike as he delves into the critical role self-awareness plays in decision-making, risk management, and emotional control. Discover how cultivating self-reflection can help you optimize your trading performance and achieve long-term success in the financial markets. ...

The old and familiar way you know for creating success is not going to work in trading. No matter how effective the old code for winning was in other areas, it will blindside you in trading. You have to crack the code for effective trading and then re-code how your brain on uncertainty reacts when money is on the line. Come learn what essential skills are needed (the new code for probability management). In this...

In this webinar, Mike will provide you with some practical strategies to overcome this destructive habit. Revenge trading can cause traders to make impulsive and emotional decisions, leading to significant losses in their trading accounts. Mike will share insights on the psychology behind revenge trading, as well as effective techniques to avoid falling into this trap. ...