Dear traders, This is just a reminder that I would like to invite all of you to this weekā€™s special webinar with Dr. Brett N. Steenbarger (trading psychologist) and Mike Bellafiore (cofounder of SMB Capital). This webinar will be facilitated by me and the topic is: Collective Learning In A Trading Community: Including An Inside Look At How An NYC Proprietary Trading Firm Mentors Their New Traders Wednesday, 29 April, 8pm ET Webinar Room (Lifetime members only) & YouTube...

On Thursday, April 23, 2020, at around 4:15 pm ET, my phone rang and I saw a California number on it. I picked up the phone, thinking that maybe one of my family members who lives in the state was calling me. No, it was the friend of a friend. My friend, who lives in LA, had introduced us a few night ago, because this person wanted to get some trade ideas from me. He has...

Dear traders, I hope you and your family are doing well in these uncertain times. Many of you might have experienced a bear market in the past (2009 or 2000 come to mind), but this is the first bear market of my trading career. These are certainly unprecedented days: a bear market, a pandemic, self-isolation and negative oil prices. Are you ready to see what the rest of 2020 has to offer? This week's Success webinar is...

Dear traders,I hope you are doing well in these self-isolation times. More and more better news is coming forward and it seems some European countries are now gradually relaxing their constraints on business. We hope to slowly see an expansion in both economic and social activities. For some time still, our life may not be the same as it once was, but Iā€™m sure youā€™ll agree that it will definitely be an improvement over isolation.Today,...

Dear traders, I trust you and your family are doing well during these uncertain times. This unprecedented season is challenging for all of us, but I know with all of my heart that we will pass through them much better if we stay strong and maintain a positive perspective. Each day I see in the news stories of people coming together to help each other be safe and healthy. Iā€™m sure you come across these kinds...

Dear traders, I would like to invite you to the next seminar in our Success Workshop Series: Trend Trading Part 1. Our distinguished guest is Ed Martin from Average Joe Trading. I have known Ed for almost five years now, and have been following his trades and recaps almost every day. They are highly educational and always include a lesson in trading and psychology, not to mention theyā€™re also funny. Watch one of BBTā€™s interviews with...

Dear traders, Please accept my sincere apologies for not trading this week. As the U.S. market opens at 3:30am here in New Zealand, it is very hard for me to trade. Originally I planned to wake up at 3am, trade until 5am, then go for a run and hike. But except for one day, I have not been able to wake up this early. I am simply too exhausted to trade during those hours. Last week,...

Dear traders, Iā€™m not sure if you saw me trading Monday morning in the chat, but as you may know I will be in New Zealand this week, where the market opens at 3:30am. Last night I was jet lagged and did not sleep well. I woke up late, around 3:15am, jumped behind my PC and started trading literally without even washing my face. There was no routine, no watchlist, no mental preparation, nothing. You can...

Dear BBT Family, We invite all of you to join the next event in our weekly Success Webinar Series scheduled for Wednesday Jan 29, 2020 at 8 pm EST. The seminar is entitled ā€œAn Intro to Day Trading Optionsā€ and will be presented by Andrew and our very own member, Nas. Nas has traded with our community for quite some time. Although he still trades equities at the Open, he has also learned the benefits and...

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